Projects and Products

We are superhappy...

... to be able to make stuff and always find places and friends where we can offer crafts work and initiate workshops. This page gives you a brief idea about what is happening. 

If you are planning to come to Koh and and you have arts and crafts idea in your mind we are happy to invite you to the KohMake Academy. 

Beach Jewels gilding Workshop

Hidden Beach, Koh Mak Thailand
Treasures lay on the beach, in the jungle if you keep your eyes open. They only need some teder loving care and... gold and glitter. So we made a gilding workshop at the beach and made our very individual 

Crafternoons with Miss Muffi and Miss Krisane

The Coral, Koh Mak Thailand
Miss Muffy and Miss Krisanne host free art sessions for kids and adults at the Coral Club on Koh Mak for a free art session to explore the beauty and science of coral reefs through creative expression.

Endorphine Jewels 

Art House, Koh Mak, Thailand
After the first workshop in this year, people asked for more neon. So we decided to make another one focusing on easy to make bracelets and necklaces as souvenirs and presents using really colorful perals that are usually used for buddhist flower girlandes and neon acrylic markers. This workshop was also for kids. 

Crafts market @ Food Art Hut 

Koh Mak Art House, Koh Mak Thailand
Food Art Hut is a great place for breakfast and art. Owner Rod makes excellent clothings and bags using natural coloring techniques. No wonder, we get together well. Once a week she is doing a crafts market, where we give away fancy sea shells, natural jewelry and upicycle art for donations. We also bring items to local bars and restaurants where people can pick up their favorite items. The donations go to local animal welfare.

Friends and places

Come and see who is involved and where. Also find some useful Links to get involved and find out what is happening. We are looking forward seeing you on Koh Mak

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